Why We Row could be the many prestigious regional and national regatta wins, a chance to earn a scholarship to a college powerhouse, represent the U.S. at the Olympic games, to make great friends, to see how far we can push ourselves or just to experience the life of an oarsman which is very different from any other society.
It would be impossible to explain in a few lines why rowers row. It may be best may be to watch the videos listed below and listen to the words of those involved in this incredible, unique sport. To better understand why HT athletes choose rowing - check out the HT video about the incredible 2016-2017 season.
It is very important to understand that there is no one body type or personality required. Everyone is welcome to come out for the team. There are no cuts as in other sports. If you put the time to practice with the team you will row for Haddon Township and yourself.
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