A Team Photo will be taken on Thursday, April 3rd at the Boathouse right before practice. Rowers should wear uniforms. Tech shirts (or similar) can be worn if your uniform has not yet arrived. Picture is for School Yearbook and this is last week to submit images. That's why we can't wait any longer.
Tomorrow's regatta has been CANCELLED due to the heavy rain causing high current and large amounts of debris. Since we do not have the issue of current on Cooper River we will have practice instead. Varsity will practice from 9:30 to 11:30, novices will practice from 11 to 12:30-1:00 (depending on how long it takes to rig). Make sure you are on time so we can unload the trailer and rig boats before practice. We will stick to the normal practice schedule during the week and have Tuesday off.
Thank you Please see the schedule below for arrival times and race times. Make sure you are there on time so plan for traffic. There is a chance that the weather will force some or all races to be cancelled. If that happens captains will send out texts and I will post on the blog. Please check before you leave but plan to race.
Lineup: Arrive by: Launch: Race: WN2x: Olivia H./Amanda 7:00 8:00 8:36 WN4x: Kara/Sofia/Rebecca/Olivia 7:15 8:35 9:12 WJv2x: Brie/Rachel 7:45 9:10 9:41 WV1x: Lauren 9:10 10:35 11:06 WV2x: Angela/Noa 9:30 10:50 11:21 MN2x: Mike/Nick 10:45 12:15 12:46 MN4x: Parker/Colin/Matteo/Liam 11:30 1:00 1:34 MN4x: Erik/Dan M./Luke/Paul 11:40 1:10 1:40 MJV1x: Joey 12:15 1:45 2:15 MV2x: Keaton/Tyler 2:20 3:50 4:20 MV4x: Joel/Springer/Dan W./Noah 2:55 4:25 4:55 First race down! Haddon township competed in the second Manny Flick today on the Schuylkill river.
Brie and Rachel raced first in the girl's JV double category and finished with a time of 6:26.30. The girls put their talents together to finish a successful 1500 meters and sported positive attitudes before and after the race. Joey, Joel, Tyler, and Dan M finished 4th in their heat in 5:04.96. The boys showed off their focus and drive by stepping into an unfamiliar lineup. Although challenging at first, they stepped up this week and were able to row strong together. The hawks saw gold in the girl's lightweight double race! Angela and Noa worked through some tough water by the Strawberry Mansion bridge and still managed to finish 27 second before the competition. Though establishing a comfortable gap early in the race, the girls still gave 100%mall the way through and motivated themselves by pushing towards a PR time. Lauren rowed hard among the varsity singles and finished with a time of 6:38.85. She's been working hard these past few weeks and quickly getting back into racing-mode after overcoming an injury this winter. Ryan "Springer", Dan W, Keaton, and Noah finished 4th in the boy's varsity quad category in 5 minutes flat. The boys took HT's newest boat, the Tenacity, out for its first race. The crew members demonstrated their own tenacity as they lined up against tough competition. Thank you, parents, for the continual support and cheers you send from the shoreline! We look forward to seeing what next week brings as we return to the Schuylkill for the next Flick! The highlight will be on the novices as they are introduced to their first spring racing experience; we can't wait to show off their hardwork. We will be unloading the trailer and practicing tomorrow at regular time. Tuesday we will have the day off. Great job today, and thank you, parents, for the support and great food at the tent!
Racing season is finally upon us!! Check below for when to report to the Schuylkill on Sunday. Although it is only varsity racing, we expect novices to be there to support their teammates and get into the racing spirit! Novices should plan to arrive at 11:15 and can stay at the tent. Varsity is strongly encouraged to arrive by 11:15 even if they do not race until later.
Entry: Arrive Time: Shove Time: Race Time: WJV2x: Brie/Rachel 9:25 10:40 11:17 MJV4x: Joel/Joey/Dan M/Tyler 10:55 12:10 12:47 WLtwt2x: Ang/Noa 11:15 12:40 1:17 WV1x: Lauren 12:45 1:50 2:29 MV4x: Noah/Springer/Dan W/Keaton 2:00 3:05 3:41 All athletes MUST sign the waiver in the link below ASAP. If you do not sign it you will not be able to race in the Flicks.
https://www.regattacentral.com/regatta/waiver.jsp?job_id=3425&org_id=0 -Gregg Thanks to the phenomenal talents of organizer Lois Capone and her crew of parents and rowers - the 2014 Spring Coin Toss raised a record $2,350 for the Club. On Saturday March 15th, HT Crew parents were stationed at 2 intersections with buckets ready. Rowers were nearby waving signs and demonstrating the dreaded erg. Drivers were generous and some even made a special trip to the ATM for us. And the festivities continued. Afterwards, folks gathered for a special book signing with John Kendall of his play Kennedy/Reagan at Franco's Place. Click on the Photo Tab for more pictures.
Several important HTCC events are planned for Saturday March 15th.
COIN TOSS / Erg-A-Thon 10am - 2pm HTCC parents will be stationed at two Township intersections to collect donations from passing motorists. Rowers will be nearby either demonstrating their erg skills or holding up signs to generate interest. The Coin Toss is an important fundraiser for the team. Contact Lois Capone if you have forgotten your time slot or intersection assignment. BOOK SIGNING with John Kendall 4pm - 8pm - Franco's Place (53 Haddon Avenue) Treat yourself after an arduous day and head over to Franco's Place for great food and literature. HTCC's own John Kendall will be signing copies of his play Kennedy/Reagan. Franco's Place will donate a portion of sales to HTCC. It's a win-win all around. |
Become an HTRC team sponsor for 2025 and get noticed. Click sponsorship above for details. HTRC 2024 SPONSORSGOLD
William Rohrer Foundation M.R. Neel SILVER 3 Dimensional Physical Therapy Bala Financial Group Jackson Funeral Home Haddon Family Dentistry Principal Aviation BRONZE 1st Colonial Community Bank AnnMarie Lynch Scholarship Fund Haddon Culinary Mulligan's Bar and Grill Westmont Ace Hardware Westmont Bagels FRIEND Dredge Harbor Boat Center Fanelle's Auto & Towing Heritage Barber Company Independent Alarm Archives
February 2025